How to Maintain Younger Looking Skin
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1- Treat your skin as it were fine silk -- always try to touch gently. When we wash our faces, shave or apply makeup, is the time that facial contact is often made. Wash in a gentle, circular motion in an outward direction. Never use your nails or apply pressure to the face. The eyes and lips have the thinnest layer of skin on the face. Refrain from rubbing your eyes. Over time this may cause wrinkles and crow's feet. Instead, pat the eye area down when drying or applying face cream. Use soft, quick patting gestures. Never pull or stretch your eye when applying eyeliner to get that cat's eye look. This will cause fine lines to the eyes in no time. Practice applying eyeliner; it won't be perfect at first, but practice makes better. Take the time to properly remove makeup; don't be impatient and just rub abruptly until the smudges disappear.
2- Do some research. Some great facial creams out there live up to their name, but consider what ingredients are in those miracle creams and skin care products. Stick to products with more organic and natural ingredients.
Your daily facial regime should include a high-quality SPF sunscreen. If you love to tan, leave your face out of the equation. Instead, opt for bronzers to enhance a beautiful facial glow; you can achieve that desired look and still save the skin cells from the sun's rays. So the next time you tan, lather up sunscreen, probably a SPF 50 or higher, to the entire surface of your face. Apply a higher SPF range for your eyes and lips to protect the thin skin layer of those areas; they are most susceptible to sun damage. The eyes are usually the first indicators to a maturing look, so always apply a face cream with a high SPF value to that area.
3- Give your skin a treat. Once or twice a week, your skin deserves special treatments or a facial to boost the skin's healthy appearance. Use a facial scrub once or twice a week to de-surface the skin of dead cells. The overall effect is a smooth, glowing surface to the face. People with sensitive or mature skin need a finer or gentler scrub because the skin is more delicate.
Mud packs range from moisturizing to deep pore refining. Moisturizing mud packs are like conditioners for the skin. They leave the skin soft and supple, and are great for dry and combination skin. Deep cleansing and pore refining mud dry out the debris trapped within the pores and also minimize the pores' appearance. They are also great for oil-prone skin.
4- Try a few skin-saving secrets to achieve and keep a youthful appearance.
For a vitamin C scrub, cush a couple of vitamin C tablets, mix with a tablespoon of honey and apply to the face. Use gentle circular motions to scrub the face, then leave on for five to seven minutes. The antioxidants in the vitamin C will supply a natural glow while exfoliating the dead skin cells. The honey will nourish and moisturize the skin, leaving it soft to the touch.
Try olive and emu oil for younger looking eyes. Olive oil is naturally full of antioxidants and vitamin E. The oil has similar properties to the sebum in our own skin and absorbs very easily. This oil can help replace the sebum and other vital nutrients stripped away from harsh soaps. Like olive oil, emu oil greatly penetrates the skin without clogging the pores. Emu oil is rich in omega fatty acids essential to skin health. The replenishing effects of these two oils keep elastin intact, promoting an extended youthful appearance to the eyes.
Try fruit acids for skin resurfacing. We're all probably familiar with chemical peels and their amazing results on the skin. The enzymes of specific fruit works much in the same way, except much gentler on the skin. Blend a slice of pineapple and apply to the face. Leave this on for about 15 minutes, then rinse.
5- Cut down on junk food. Too much processed foods creates an overload of free radicals that eventually destroy skin tissue. The face will eventually look dull and tired. Drink more water and antioxidant-filled teas to chase away free radicals, flush out toxins and replenish much needed moisture to the skin. Eat good omega fat. These foods produce the lipids responsible for holding moisture in our skin and safeguarding elastin. Eat plenty of nuts, seeds and fish.